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The FindMe! project is part of the "Advanced Computer Systems" course of Fall 2016 By Prof. Sivan Toledo.


The project was fully designed and programmed by Barak Sternberg and Uriel Malin as part of the course' final project. The project was oriented by Prof. Sivan Toledo.

Download of the application and the sources are available for free.


Downloads page contains Full app download and sources and CC2650 project source-code for CC-studio.


source-codes supplied in git repositories and APK is compiled and signed with test-keys.

Ever lost your keys at home? and what about your car-keys? or your wallet?


FindMe! is for you! based on the CC2650 BLE device+stack we've developed a findable small device, which can be attached to any key-pairs/wallets, and can be activated and found using bluetooth supported android device.


Your phone finds and connect to the device, activating findme operation will start it's buzzer at full-volume thus can be found immediately.


Challenges upon implementing the project varies across BLE device bugs and code-bugs and android app implemntation and bugs.


We have used android studio for developing the app, Debugging over ADB. documentations used from google's API documentation.


We have used the CC-Studio for developing the BLE device code, we've used full debugging method as well as opening UART serial connection and reading its runtime logs.


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